Pigmentation Causes and Treatments

What is meant by Pigmentation? Pigmentation is a term used to describe the darkening of skin or the appearance of spots or patches on the skin. It can occur in small portions or sometime may even cover the entire body. Darkened areas on the skin are the main signs of pigmentation and the risk factors for pigmentation are prolonged sun exposure or inflammation. The greater your exposure to the sun, the greater your chances of increased pigmentation. Causes of pigmentation are varied; one of the most common causes is the production of melanin – the skin color pigment, in excess amount. Certain medications prove to be beneficial for Dark Circle Treatment in Delhi and let's read about a few of them. Basic and easy treatments for pigmentation: Pigmentation treatment in Delhi includes the application of creams that comes with certain ingredients to help reduce pigmentation. Many of these creams are also used in dark circles treatment in Delhi. They are usually applied once or t...