The Rise and Emergence of Skin and Cosmetic Clinics in India

 When we talk of the two terms- Skin and Cosmetics, it is undeniable that they both go hand in hand. It is the basic right of a woman to use cosmetics of her choice. When people talk of women using a bare minimum of makeup to beautify themselves, it emerges as a patronising trait of society to bar a woman’s choice of rights. However, women of today are going above and beyond to be independent in real terms. ‘SCULPT’ is one such Skin Clinic in Delhi which supports women.

What are the treatments available with them?

Sculpt has its branches not only in Delhi but also, they have a Cosmetic Clinic in Guwahati. Dr Vivek Kumar, one of the best cosmetic surgeons in the world has treated patients in over forty countries. They have a mélange of beauty treatments which incorporate Laser, Face Surgery, Breast Surgery etc. They are known for their Face Plastic Surgery Cost in India. The prices are really meeting the needs of the clients. The reviews are satisfactory too.

Who can undergo those treatments?

Patients from different regions arrive to get treated by the surgeon who has his name embedded in the Limca Book of Records- Dr Vivek Kumar. The Skin Clinic in Delhi treats patients without any partial hint. Cosmetic and Facial surgeries are gender-neutral. Even the Cosmetic Clinic in Guwahati, too, is rich in great reviews which categories them at par in their profession.

Rise of an unbiased society:

There is a prejudiced notion that only women should undergo these treatments if the need arises. But men and people from LGBTQ groups can also undertake them. The Face Plastic Surgery Cost in India is the same for people of all gender. People must rise above all sorts of preconceived opinions of the same type and embrace the different shades of humanity open-heartedly.


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